Hospital for Sick Children Archives

Type: Archives

This archives operates within the Hospital for Sick Children and primarily acts as a hospital resource but is open to the public. The archives collects, disseminates, and stores information on health sciences resources, purchases and facilitates access to electronic resources, provides reference and interlibrary services, and provides user training for searching the archives’ database.




  • Records include hospital publications, minutes of committees, photographs, films, equipment and artefacts, and personal records of some former staff.
  • The Hospital Library subscribes to 300 print titles, 12 subject databases, 1500 e-books and over 1200 e-journals. Paediatrics is the primary focus of the collection.

Volunteer/Internship/Placement Opportunities:

This institution does accept volunteers, interns and placements. Responsibilities depend on the capabilities and interests of the participant, ranging from transcribing and indexing documentation to identifying photographs or contributing to the archives’ Archeion description.

Address & Contact Information:

Hospital Library
The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto, ON
M5G 1X8
Archives: Room 1301, Black Wing

Phone: 416-813-7654 x206778

Hours of Operation:

Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Key Words: health, children